Actionable Intelligence: Using Integrated Data Systems to Achieve a More Effective, Efficient, and Ethical Government

AISP_Book Cover

Edited By: John Fantuzzo and Dennis P. Culhane
Published by: Palgrave Macmillan

Purchase of the book is available on Palgrave Macmillian’s website.


In this book we present a new approach to promoting more effective, efficient, and ethical intergovernmental decision making and problem solving—a system we call actionable intelligence for social policy (AISP). Actionable Intelligence (AI) is neither data nor research, although it involves both. It is derived from the combined contributions from executive leaders, practitioners, researchers, and citizens. It requires intergovernmental coordination and collaboration among bureaucracies. It is what is needed to inform disciplined, evidence-based decision making. We developed the AISP model to address the major limitations to traditional approaches to American public administration identified in the literature.

  • Actionable Intelligence is a robust integrated data system (IDS)
  • IDS integrates individual citizens’ data across agencies to provide scientifically sound, intergovernmental information to inform AI
  • AI can provide a comprehensive picture of the whole person and has the potential of bringing everyone from health, education, and humans service agencies together around one table
  • Through the use of an IDS, data-sharing agencies can contribute their clients’ data to one collaborative process to achieve a more thorough understanding of a pressing social problem and what to do about it


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