AISP Network FAQ

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Our Network is currently made up of 35 diverse data sharing efforts from across the United States. That includes 26 sites that have established cross-agency data agreements across multiple projects and routinely integrate data for policy and program improvement, and 9 developing sites that are working to develop the human and technical capacity to effectively link and share their data.

Learn more here

Every site is different, but common types of data that are shared for approved purposes include: early childhood, education, child welfare, public health, justice (adult and juvenile), economic security, and housing. Linking this information at the individual level makes it easier for agencies and their research partners to collaborate to improve policy, programs, and the lives of people. For more on how Network sites are using cross-agency data, click here

We invite data sharing efforts to join the AISP Network based on a number of criteria around organizational readiness, data governance, and data use. If you’d like to learn more about that process and future opportunities to engage, please reach out to TC Burnett at

Yes, we can provide consultation on the following topics:

  • Community engagement and agenda-setting
  • Data governance 
  • Legal frameworks for data sharing
  • Procedures for data access
  • Data management & analytics
  • Staffing data infrastructure 
  • Political & economic sustainability 

To learn more, please reach out to TC Burnett at

No, AISP does not hold data from Network sites. However, we support researchers who are leveraging integrated data to address key social policy issues through the AISP Research Exchange.

AISP can also support and coordinate opportunities for multi-site research projects when research interests align across a number of sites, facilitating access and supporting shared analytic planning. If you are interested in discussing a research proposal, please contact TC Burnett at

This site is registered on as a development site.