Cross-Site NNIP Project Employs Integrated Data Systems to Demonstrate Social Issues

“Connecting People and Place: Improving Communities through Integrated Data Systems” is a current cross-site project launched by National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP). This project investigates how integrated data systems can contribute to understanding neighborhoods and spreading awareness about local policy. It involves six participating NNIP partners that will utilize IDS to address community issues, such as housing, absenteeism, and civic engagement. This project is sponsored by the Anne E. Casey Foundation and runs from 2013 until 2015. AISP will provide technical assistance on integrated data systems to the project sites.

The NNIP project sites include Baltimore, Cleveland, New York City, Pinellas County, Pittsburgh, and Providence. Together these sites will utilize IDS to address prominent social disparities. The mass amounts of data extracted are paramount in exhibiting the issues at hand and helping to produce effective social change.

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