About the AISP Network

Connecting Data Sharing Efforts Across the United States

For more than ten years, AISP has been building a community of practitioners, policy-makers, researchers, and community partners who work to share and use data to improve lives. The AISP Network is central to our efforts to enhance the field of data sharing and increase the capacity of sites to make meaningful change.

We connect members of our Network to emerging practices, research, and funding opportunities. We also create spaces for people to share their work and learn from peers. Members range from large, well-established integrated data systems to efforts that are still in their formative stages. Learn more about the benefits of Network membership here.

Check out our interactive Network Map to learn more about the data sharing efforts we support across the United States.

Join Our Community

Are you interested in collaborating to share and use cross-agency data in your community? We offer structured, cohort-based training and customized consulting to support new data sharing collaborations and partnerships on a range of topics, including:

  • Community engagement and agenda-setting
  • Data governance 
  • Legal frameworks for data sharing
  • Procedures for data access
  • Data management & analytics
  • Staffing data infrastructure 
  • Political & economic sustainability

Thanks for the incredible work you’ve done to build this community and offer the best training for adult learners I’ve experienced. We owe so much of our data sharing success to AISP.

If you are interested in joining the AISP Network, or learning more about our training or consulting services, please contact Emily Berkowitz at eberko@upenn.edu.

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