Our Partners

At AISP, we collaborate with a diverse ecosystem of organizational partners to support and expand the field of cross-sector data sharing.

AISP Advisors

AISP is excited to have launched two new advisory groups in 2022 that will help guide our direction as our Network continues to grow. We are exceptionally grateful for their contributions.

AISP’s National Advisory Committee (NAC) supports strategic planning to prioritize how we can best serve our Network and the broader field of public sector data sharing and integration. The NAC is made up of both Network members and external partners, each with deep experience in the data ecosystem, who convene with us quarterly to inform key decisions and help refine and disseminate our work. We are exceptionally grateful for their contributions.

  • Aaron Bean, Managing Director, Asemio
  • Bridget Blount, Chief Impact Officer, Baltimore’s Promise
  • Steve Cook, Distinguished Professor & Data Sharing Coordinator, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty
  • Erin Dalton, Director, Allegheny County Department of Human Services
  • John Fantuzzo, Professor and Faculty Director Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Penn Child Research Center & AISP
  • Regan Foust, Executive Director & Senior Research Scientist, University of Southern California, Children’s Data Network
  • Scott Gaul, Chief Data Officer, Connecticut Office of Policy & Management
  • Bob Goerge, Senior Research Fellow, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
  • Rick Hendra, Senior Fellow & Director, MDRC 
  • Chris Kingsley, Director of Tools and Measurement, Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Whitney LeBoeuf, Director of Data Integration & Analytics, University of Denver, Linked Information Network of Colorado
  • Josh Martin, Chief Data Officer, Indiana Management Performance Hub
  • Amy O’Hara, Research Professor & Director of the Federal Statistical Research Data Center, Georgetown University, Massive Data Institute
  • Dave Patterson (co-chair), Director of the Health and Demographics Division, South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office
  • Maggie Reeves, Director of Program Development, Urban Institute, Center on Education Data and Policy
  • Heather Rouse (co-chair), Associate Professor & Director of Iowa’s Integrated Data for Decision-Making (I2D2), Iowa State University

AISP’s Legal Advisory Workgroup (LAW) is made up of talented legal counsel who are national experts in the legal considerations surrounding data sharing and integration. Their robust experiences and practice areas range from early childhood advocacy, privacy and security to public health and tribal sovereignty. LAW serves as a thought partner to AISP and lends its expertise to aid in informing legal guidance, training and capacity building.

  • Karen Barber, General Counsel, Vermont Department of Mental Health
  • Jennifer Cooper, Assistant General Counsel, Indiana Management Performance Hub
  • Richard Gold, Consultant
  • Paul Hogle, Associate General Counsel, North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
  • Mark Humowiecki, General Counsel & Senior Director for National Initiatives, Camden Coalition
  • Samuel Kohn, Senior Counselor to the Assistant Secretary–Indian Affairs at the United States Department of the Interior 
  • Sean McDonald, Co-Founder, Digital Public
  • Meghan Mead, Acting Deputy Director, Network for Public Health Law
  • Elliot Regenstein, Partner, Foresight Law + Policy
  • Joy Royes, Chief of Governance, Risk & Compliance, Montgomery County
  • Dr. Paul Stiles, Associate Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Mental Health Law & Policy, University of South Florida
  • Amelia Vance, President, Public Interest Privacy Center; Chief Counsel, Student & Child Privacy Center, The School Superintendents Association

The AISP Research Exchange convenes researchers from across the AISP network to talk about their work leveraging integrated data to address key social policy issues. The Research Exchange is overseen by a subcommittee of the National Advisory Committee. 

Our first in-person AISP Research Exchange meeting will take place on June 4, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA. We will also convene at the 2024 International Population Data Linkage Network Conference in Chicago. Please contact Sharon Zanti at sharon.zanti@gmail.com for more information about getting involved.

  • Lawrence Berger, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty
  • Steve Cook, Distinguished Professor & Data Sharing Coordinator, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty
  • Dennis Culhane, Dana and Andrew Stone Professor of Social Policy and Faculty Director of AISP, University of Pennsylvania
  • Regan Foust, Executive Director & Senior Research Scientist, University of Southern California, Children’s Data Network
  • Bob Goerge, Senior Research Fellow, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
  • Rick Hendra, Senior Fellow & Director, MDRC 
  • Heather Rouse, Associate Professor & Director of Iowa’s Integrated Data for Decision-Making (I2D2), Iowa State University
  • Sharon Zanti, AISP Doctoral Fellow & Postdoctoral Research Associate, Iowa State University

AISP Collaborators

At AISP, we collaborate with a diverse ecosystem of organizational partners to support and expand the field of cross-sector data sharing.

AISP’s Equity Fellows are both our advisors for the Equity in Practice Learning Community (EiPLC) and play an essential role in supporting site learning and growth. Fellows work with AISP to help participating sites analyze how institutional and structural racism impacts day-to-day data access and use practices, and identify ways to shift practice. Learn more about their work at aisp.upenn.edu/eiplc.

  • Bridget Blount, Chief Impact Officer, Baltimore’s Promise
  • Sue Gallagher, Chief Innovation Officer, the Children’s Services Council of Broward County, FL
  • Robert Gradeck, Project Director & Co-Founder, Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center at the University of Pittsburgh
  • Blu Lewis, Data Equity Consultant, Blu & Co. Consulting
  • Kim Paull, Health Equity Clinical Program Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  • Enid Rey, CEO & Principal, BRAVE Consulting Solutions

Asemio is a social enterprise working at the intersection of software and social good. Since 2013, their work has built pathways that connect people, organizations, and ideas supported by the power of technology to leave a lasting positive impact on communities through improved service delivery, actionable insights, and data-driven decision-making.

Learn more about their work at https://asemio.com/

The Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University works to  make societal systems that work for everyone. Practitioner fellows collaborate with Beeck Center staff and Georgetown students to guide projects focused on advancing good governance, seamless systems, and a thriving public interest technology workforce.

Learn more about their work at https://beeckcenter.georgetown.edu/

Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) works with communities throughout the country to build local capacity for multi-sector data-sharing, while simultaneously building the evidence base to inform a national movement. DASH supports collaborations that work together to improve the health of their communities, promote health equity, and contribute to a Culture of Health by strengthening information-sharing systems, engaging additional sectors and community members, and building sustainable capacity to work collaboratively toward community goals.

Learn more about their work at https://dashconnect.org/

The Data Integration Support Center (DISC) at WestEd provides expert planning and user-centered design, policy, privacy, and legal assistance for public agencies nationwide. DISC supports efforts to integrate data across key sectors while protecting privacy and ensuring the usefulness, fidelity, and transparency of the data systems. 

Learn more about their work at https://disc.wested.org/

Data for Social Impact (DSI) is an initiative at the Washington University in St. Louis Social Policy Institute that builds data capacity and collaboration among social sector organizations working to increase impact for and with the communities they serve. By being more strategic in how they engage with data, organizations have an opportunity to advance their missions, increase impact and promote equitable outcomes.

Learn more about their work: https://socialpolicyinstitute.wustl.edu/items/data-for-social-impact-2/ 

The International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) facilitates communication between centers that specialize in data linkage and users of the linked data. The Network provides a space for discussion, exchange of ideas, and learning within the common interest of data linkage for the betterment of population data linkage research.

Learn more about their work at https://ipdln.org/

MDRC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and social policy research organization. They work to design promising new interventions, evaluate existing programs using the highest research standards, and provide technical assistance to build better programs and deliver effective interventions at scale. 

Learn more about their work at https://www.mdrc.org/

The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) is a learning network, coordinated by the Urban Institute, that connects independent partner organizations in more than 30 cities. The mission of NNIP is to ensure all communities have access to data and the skills to use information to advance equity and well-being across neighborhoods.

Learn more about their work at  https://www.neighborhoodindicators.org/

The Network for Public Health Law provides visionary leadership in the use of law to protect, promote, and improve health and health equity through non-partisan legal technical assistance and resources, collaborating with a broad set of partners across sectors to expand and enhance the use of practical legal and policy solutions.

Learn more about their work at https://www.networkforphl.org/ 

The mission of the Penn Early Childhood and Family Research Center (PECFRC) is to promote the educational and psychological well-being of children through the application of informed social and scientific policy. PECFRC is housed at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education.

Learn more about their work at https://child.gse.upenn.edu/

Results for America is a leading non-profit working to improve outcomes for young people, their families, and communities by shifting public resources toward programs and practices that use evidence and data to improve quality and get better results. Beyond scaling individual programs, Results for America seeks to drive broader systems change so that “investing in what works” becomes the new norm for allocating public dollars.

Learn more about their work at https://results4america.org/

SRI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute with a rich history of supporting government and industry. SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute) is organized around broad disciplines and capabilities, from research and development divisions and labs to groups who excel at identifying new opportunities, developing products and creating custom solutions. 

Learn more about their work at https://www.sri.com/

AISP Funders

AISP is grateful for the generous support we have received from funding partners over the years.

Administration for Children & Families (ACF) Office of Research Planning and Evaluation (OPRE)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
| Annie E. Casey Foundation | Arnold Ventures | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Social Innovation Fund (SIF)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | Ford Foundation | George Kaiser Family Foundation 
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
| Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Walton Family Foundation

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