AISP Network Meeting 2024

Thank you for joining us in Philadelphia!

More than 40 Network sites and partners gathered together in Philadelphia to share new projects, grapple with hard questions, and find opportunities for connection and growth. It was our largest and most ambitious convening yet, with full group and breakout sessions spread across four days. 

Our peer community has grown intentionally over these past 12+ years, and we’re so proud not only of the impacts sites make but also of the connections and relationships that sites nurture at every meeting. Data sharing is hard work and we all need opportunities to connect with peers—new and old—for reflection, inspiration and collective problem-solving. 

Thanks to those who joined us, in person and in spirit, as well as to our funders who made it possible! We can’t wait to see you again in 2026.

A full photo gallery from the event is available here.

Explore the agenda

Presenter bios can be found at the end of the program. Please note slides are only available to attendees and, upon request, members of the AISP Network. Please email Emily Berkowitz ( to request access.

Dispatches from our time together

“It’s more than data; it’s people.” -Ben Boer, Illinois Longitudinal Data Systems

Over the past 2 years, AISP has welcomed 10 new sites to the Network (with 3 more in the process of onboarding!). Please a give a warm welcome to:

  • MSP Education Equity Data Hub
  • Illinois Longitudinal Data System
  • Massachusetts Public Health Data Warehouse
  • North Carolina Health and Human Services Whole Person Health
  • Oregon Child Integrated Dataset
  • Promise Partnership Utah
  • Rhode Island Longitudinal Data System
  • MyWayFinder
  • San Francisco Unified School District
  • WashPop

See all the members of the AISP Network here.

Day 2 was organized around the AISP Quality Framework, and key ideas behind each component were captured by Chrissie Bonner, Illustrating Progress. 

A peer community is nothing without its champions and mentors. We want to say a special thank you to 2024 Pete Bailey Award winner, Dave Patterson, for his years of service and mentorship. Congratulations on your retirement, Dave!

Thank you to our funders who make this possible.

Looking to learn more about the Data + Equity Summit? Visit our webpage here.

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