The Allegheny County Data Warehouse brings together and integrates client and service data from a wide variety of sources. It was created by consolidating publicly-funded human services data (e.g., behavioral health, child welfare, intellectual disability, homelessness and aging) and, over time, expanded to include data from other sources. The Data Warehouse was designed primarily to improve services to clients, but also to improve the ability of workers to perform their jobs and to support management decision
making; it is also intended to be available as a community resource, making data and information publicly available whenever possible.
AISP Network: Allegheny County Data Warehouse
About the Work

Allegheny County Data Warehouse is hosted by Department of Human Services, Office of Analytics, Technology, and Planning.
Integrating data since: 2000
Jurisdiction: Allegheny County, PA
Scale: county
Contact: Kathryn Collins
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Allegheny County, PA
About the Data

Data Included
Vital records
Child welfare & adult protection
Early childhood
Legal system & law enforcement
Economic security & jobs
Housing & homelessness
Other state and local data sources

Current Data Uses
To inform policy
Program evaluation
Outcomes oriented & performance-based contracting
Case management
Contract Management
Inform funding allocation & budget decisions
Community needs assessment
Grant reporting, planning, and development
Predictive analytics & forecasting
Care coordination

Relevant Policy Priorities
Child welfare
Economic mobility & employment
Ending mass incarceration
Mental health
Racial equity
Substance use & opioid use
Information and Resources
- Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths: Report and Maps
- Developing Predictive Risk Models to Support Child Maltreatment Hotline Screening Decisions
- Jail Population Management: Interactive Dashboards
- Survey Outreach & Satisfaction Among Homeless System Clients
- Framework for Collaboration: DHS & Pittsburgh Public Schools MOU
- Students Experiences with the Juvenile and Criminal Justice System: A Longitudinal Analysis