The Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) collects and links data to evaluate efforts across sectors in the Commonwealth. KYSTATS is responsible for developing, maintaining, and utilizing Kentucky’s longitudinal data system and the Labor Market Information Office. KYSTATS is legislatively authorized to collect and link data from birth through the workforce in order to evaluate education, workforce and service programs in Kentucky. The current KYSTATS priorities are focused on using linked administrative data to provide actionable information about equity issues and barriers in the Commonwealth. This includes developing reports, responding to research requests, and providing statistical data about these efforts so policymakers, practitioners, and the public can make better informed decisions.
About the Work

KYSTATS is hosted by Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet.
Integrating data since: 2009
Jurisdiction: Kentucky
Scale: state
Contact: Matt Berry, Executive Director
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About the Data

Data Included
Vital records
Early childhood
Legal system & law enforcement
Economic security & jobs

Current Data Uses
To inform policy
Program evaluation
Outcomes oriented/performance-based contracting
Grant reporting, planning, and development
Predictive analytics/forecasting

Relevant Policy Priorities
Early childhood education
Early childhood risk factors
Economic mobility/employment
K-12 education
Workforce training
Information and Resources
Data Access
Case Studies
No case studies yet.