In 2007, nine Los Angeles County Departments entered into an agreement to share comprehensive information on the multi-system service utilization patterns of people receiving a county-funded cash assistance program. That project, now known as the Enterprise Linkages Project (ELP), was eventually expanded across a spectrum of publicly funded health, mental health, social and corrections services to allow for the formulation of a complete picture of county needs, resources, and outcomes. expended upon participants in the GR and other public programs. ELP data helps foster collaboration between county agencies and identify redundancies in services, resulting in the potential for cost avoidance and cost savings.
AISP Network: Los Angeles County Enterprise Linkages Project 2.0
About the Work

Los Angeles County Enterprise Linkages Project 2.0 is hosted by LA Chief Executive Office, Research and Evaluation Services Unit.
Integrating data since: 2007
Jurisdiction: Los Angeles County, CA
Scale: county
Contact: Max Stevens, Principal Analyst
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About the Data

Data Included
Child welfare
Legal system & law enforcement
Economic security & jobs
Housing & homelessness

Current Data Uses
To inform policy
Program evaluation
Outcomes oriented/performance-based contracting
Case management
Inform funding allocation/budget decisions
Community needs assessment
Predictive analytics/forecasting

Relevant Policy Priorities
Adult legal system & law enforcement
Child welfare
Economic mobility/employment
Social determinants of health