The mission of NC ECIDS is to create a high quality, comprehensive, integrated early childhood data system for North Carolina to inform policies and practices that produce better outcomes for children and families. NC ECIDS integrates data from subsidized child care, NC Pre-K, Food and Nutrition Services, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, IDEA Part C, and IDEA Part B-619 to produce reports and fulfill research requests that support state priorities for young children and families. Using recently awarded Preschool Development Grant funding, NC ECIDS plans to expand our reporting and research request infrastructure and to add data from new programs to its system. NC ECIDS is also participating in state efforts to build a statewide longitudinal data system to link early childhood, education, and workforce data together.
AISP Network: North Carolina Early Childhood Integrated Data System (NC ECIDS)
About the Work

North Carolina Early Childhood Integrated Data System (NC ECIDS) is hosted by Department of Health and Human Services.
Integrating data since: 2012
Jurisdiction: North Carolina
Scale: state
Contact: Tanya Morgan
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North Carolina
About the Data

Data Included
Child welfare and adult protection
Early childhood

Current Data Uses
To inform policy
Outcomes oriented/performance-based contracting
Contract management
Community needs assessment
Grant reporting, planning, and development
Predictive analytics/forecasting

Relevant Policy Priorities
Child welfare
Social determinants of health