2018 Awardees: Erin Dalton & Marc Cherna, Allegheny County, PA
The 2018 Pete Bailey Award was presented to Erin Dalton and Marc Cherna on June 18, 2018. Erin and Marc’s dedication to continued improvement through data integration has and continues to have a positive, life-changing impact on the lives of children and families in Allegheny County.
2015 Awardees: James Moore & Susan Kretsge, City of Philadelphia
The 2015 Pete Bailey Award was presented to James Moore and Susan Kretsge on November 18, 2015. James and Susan have worked tirelessly to improve policies and practices in the City of Philadelphia through the use of integrated data.
Inaugural Pete Bailey Award
The Inaugural Pete Bailey Award for Achievement in Public Systems Integration was presented to none other than Pete Bailey on November 5, 2013. Bailey retired from the Office of Research and Statistics, South Carolina State Budget and Control Board where he had been employed for the last thirty-five years.
During his tenure, he moved South Carolina from a data-poor state to a state with an integrated health and human services data system that has become a model for the country. Mr. Bailey is highly regarded across the nation as an innovator in creating databases for policy decisions and as a visionary who, along with an expert staff, has been able to turn vision into reality.
About Pete Bailey
Mr. Bailey earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics, 1965, from Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama, and a Master in Public Health in Biostatistics, 1969, from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Under Mr. Bailey’s leadership, the Office developed, collects and maintains statewide health care claims data systems including all inpatient hospitalizations, all outpatient surgeries, all emergency room visits, all home health visits, the complete Medicaid data system, the Statewide Employee Insurance claims data base, the Community Health Data System and the Free Clinic data base. Each of these systems is linkable and patients can be tracked across systems and over time. The Office also built and maintains a health professions data base of all licensed health professions linkable to a health education data base of enrollments and graduates and a facilities data base.
In addition to the above systems Mr. Bailey was a primary architect of the conceptual design of the South Carolina Integrated Health and Human Services Client- specific Data System. The system comprises data bases from over twenty different Health and Human Services agencies including not-for-profit organizations. These systems include the Criminal Justice Agencies, Social Service Agencies, Education Agencies, Behavioral Health Agencies, Disabilities and Special Needs, Elder Services and Assessment and the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency.
Central to the integrated system is a complex protocol that creates a unique tracking number so that clients can be linked in a de-identified manner and tracked across all of the above systems for research purposes.
Mr. Bailey’s vision of statewide “address match” software became reality during his tenure with the innovative use of the statewide E-911 emergency system in South Carolina. This system makes it possible to perform geographic and spatial analyses on all of the systems above.
Mr. Bailey has had unique experience spanning his career of thirty-five years in performing research and analyses on a wide range of data systems. He has provided consultant services at state and national levels to untold numbers of organizations. He also served as adjunct professor at both the University of South Carolina in Columbia and the Medical University in Charleston. He has guest lectured at both Universities for many years. His presentations at state and national levels have also been substantial over the past decades.