ProvPlan Lauded for Evidence-Based Contribution to IDS

The Providence Children and Youth Cabinet of the Providence Plan (ProvPlan) has been recognized for its evidenced-based work to improve the community through data. In a collaborative report, Mayor Angel Tavernas, Results for America, and The Bridgespan Group hailed Providence as an exemplary city in the use of data and evidence to develop effective and efficient practices, policies, and programs that benefit local populations. The paper, titled “Geek Cities: How Smarter Use of Data and Evidence Can Improve Lives,” extolled ProvPlan’s efforts to make data more accessible and useable. It also highlighted the Evidence2Success initiative, a program established to promote children’s health through investment in proven programs.

Providence, as one of the Geek Cities, works to compile an evidence base to standardize data about education, jobs, youth development, prevention of infant mortality, and other matters. This multi-faceted process is instrumental in harnessing effective solutions to social issues.

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