NNIP’s Resource Guide to Data Governance and Security
Author(s): National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership
Date: 9/1/2018
From the author(s): Local data intermediaries in the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) have a shared mission to ensure all communities have access to data and the skills to use information to advance equity and well-being across neighborhoods . To accomplish this mission, NNIP partners create useful indicators across topics at relevant geographies for their communities from surveys and administrative data sources. Building and maintaining a reputation for handling data carefully, protecting confidentiality, and interpreting data thoughtfully and accurately are essential to ensuring a data intermediary’s long-term sustainability. This guide aims to provide resources and advice from the experiences of those in the NNIP network and other related organizations on developing a strong data governance program and protecting the security of confidential data.
Suggested Citation
Hendey, L., Gold, A., & Pettit, K. L. S. (2018). NNIP's Resource Guide to Data Governance and Security. National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership. https://www.neighborhoodindicators.org/library/catalog/nnips-resource-guide-data-governance-and-security.