The Workforce Data Quality Campaign (WDQC) released an infographic about the flow of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) data, entitled “How WIOA Performance Data Works.”
Each of WIOA’s four titles authorizes different job training programs intended to upskill the U.S. workforce and align labor market supply and demand. A key feature of WIOA is its emphasis on program accountability.
WIOA standardized performance requirements and reporting templates across programs. Nevertheless, different entities are involved in data collection and reporting for different programs.
This infographic intends to clarify the flow of information and explain why WIOA data is important. It contains an overview of each of WIOA’s four titles, explains which data is collected, and shows how the data travels. It also details how data is used by multiple audiences, including students, businesses, program managers, and policymakers.
Please click here to access the infographic. To request a hard copy, please email